IVRI, KVK places a special emphasis on training and education of farmers, entrepreneurs, farm women, rural youth, financial institutions extension functionaries as well as voluntary organizations. The center plays a First Line Extension role. A linkage between research and the field in augmenting the socioeconomic conditions of farmers, farmwomen and livestock owners since 1985 – 86.
The KVK of IVRI dominates animal husbandry activities training, demonstrations and onfarm trial programs for making use of animal science technologies by the livestock owners. Prior to the establishment of KVK, the two ICAR TOT projects viz. Operational Research Project (ORP) on livestock and fodder improvement and Lab to Land programs LLP) were functioning under the Joint Directorate of Extension Education since 197576 and 197980, respectively.
As a policy of activities of ORP, LLP and KVK were being performed separately were merged together under the umbrella of Krishi Vigyan Kendra during 199394. Till then KVK has been considered as an innovative and different than other training intuitions/organizations for its need based and skill oriented training programs with approach of ‘learning by doing’ and ‘teaching by doing. Assessment of training needs and gaps between the available technology and its application in the field is the prerequisite. For this, farm families’ surveys are conducted time to time for deriving the needs of farmers, farm women, farm youth and livestock owners at village level.